- Dead Doctors Don't Lie Radio
Dead Doctors Don't Lie 02/26/19
Pearls of Wisdom
Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article about the Bloomberg Healthiest Country Index. The U.S. doesn't even rank in the top 30. Spain has replaced Italy as the number one healthiest country. Italy is second followed by Iceland, Japan, Switzerland, Sweden, Australia, Singapore, Norway and Israel. The U.S. fell from 34th to 35th and in another index from last year the U.S. ranks 64th in longevity.
Madrew has a friend diagnosed with COPD, has seizures and is overweight.
Angela has two questions first her dog has been diagnosed with chronic bronchial disease. Second she has questions about her own asthma.
John has calcium deposits under his skin and has chronic joint pain.
Donald has been diagnosed with cranial fluid leakage.
#JoelWallach #DeadDoctorsDontLie #DrWallach