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Dead Doctors Don't Lie 02/11/19

Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing Youngevity's CBD oil products. Outlining how they are used and administered. Citing several common health challenges and stating which product can be used for that particular ailment. Asserting that these products can now bought on autoship with free shipping.

Pearls of Wisdom

Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article about health benefits of ginger. One study from the University of Minnesota used mice that had colorectal cancer and no immune system. Giving one group gingerol a compound found in ginger. Those getting gingerol saw a 75% reduction in tumors and the tumors that remained were smaller than those not getting the gingerol.


Anthony has a friend that has diabetic neuropathies.

Sarit has gall stones and her doctor wants to remove her gall bladder.

Hailey's mom is a type 2 diabetic suffering from cluster migraines.

Kenneth has high blood pressure, stage 3 kidney disease and rosacea.

Call Dr. Wallach's live radio program weekdays from noon until 1pm pacific time at 831-685-1080 or toll free at 888-379-2552.

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