Dead docs

  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 01/19/2017

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show today discussing muscular skelatal disease states. Listing several diseases and what he believes causes those diseases. Also stating why these diseases occur and what nutrients are missing that allow these to occur. Contending these nutrients can't be found in our food so they must be supplemented. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news story regarding a study that found cutting calories could add 18 years to the lives of people. A study from the National Institute of Aging found that adult monkeys who go 30% less food males tended to live two years longer and females six years compared to monkeys that got more food. Researchers believe that the results would be the same in humans. Callers Pam has questions about how much calcium is in the "Beyond Osteo FX" product. Dave has a friend who is five months pregnant and is experiencing vaginal bleeding. Eddie has a
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 12/28/2016

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit Monologue Pharmacist Ben Fuchs fills in for Dr. Joel Wallach beginning the show discussing connective tissue. Stating that failing connective tissue is linked to heart disease. Outlining what causes arteries to become blocked by plaque. Contending that the plaque is actually the body trying to repair damaged arterial tissue. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Ben Fuchs discuss a news article on the rise in the use of antibiotics in meat production. Between 2014 and 2015 antibiotic use increased by 2%. Including ones used to treat MRSA (methicillinhy-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) superbugs. In fact 70% of antibiotics used to treat human infections are also used in meat production. Callers Trevor's brother-in-law has bone on bone arthritis in his knees. Angela has several health challenges including type 2 diabetes, kidney disease, high blood pressure and heart disease. Terri is already using Youngevity products but is not seeing
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/01/11

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing self physical exams. Contend with the high price of healthcare people should consider doing their own physical exams to save money. Asserting that everything that is done in a doctors office can be done safely at home. Outlining several tests that can been purchased at the drug store and done at home. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article about a Danish study on breast cancer treatments. The study found that one third of breast cancer patients are treated unnecessarily. Doc points out a previous study that found 61% of mammograms result in false positives. Leading to women being harmed by unnecessary screen tests, surgeries, radiation and chemotherapy. Callers Katheryn has a friend diagnosed with MS (multiple sclerosis). Trudy's grandson has been diagnosed with gall stones. Larry has a friend with chronic nose bleeds. Tom is having difficulty
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/01/18

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing the lack of minerals in the soils. Stating that since people stopped putting wood ash in their gardens we no longer get minerals in our food. Contending this is why everyone should be supplementing with all 90 essential nutrients. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news story concerning emergency room charges. A study from Johns Hopkins found that one in five ER patients get "surprise billing". Outlining a specific case of a woman who took her child to an ER after the child suffered a seizure. She purposely went to a hospital that was in network for her insurance plan. Later receiving a $3000 anesthesiology bill because the anesthesiologist was not in her network. Callers Anthony has a friend with digestive problems. Marissa's mother has been diagnosed with colon cancer. Brenda's daughter has had non-stop menstrual bleeding for several weeks. Dave has
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/01/19

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/01/20

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach beginning the show outlining foods that he thinks people should avoid. Also listing foods that he thinks people should be eating. Stating that even the good foods don't have the nutrients needed for good health. Contending people should be supplementing with all 90 essential nutrients. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article concern a study of cooked meats. Researchers at the University of North Carolina studied women and their eating habits following them for close to twenty years. Finding that women who ate a lot of barbecued, smoked or grilled meats had a 17% increased risk of death from all causes. They also had 23% increased risk of dying from breast cancer. Callers Donald has several health challenges including irregular heart beat, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. Anthony has a friend who is over weight, osteoporosis and has a spinal injury from an accident.
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/01/23

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show today discussing his recent trip to Hawaii. Stating that he is working with people there to elimenate degenerative diseases from the islands. Contending because Hawaii is a state there aren't the kind of regulatory hurdles he encountered with other island nations. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article concerning a campaingn to educate people in the UK. The government is warning people to stay away from burnt toast and roasted potatoes. When starchy foods are heated acrylamides are formed. A study in 2002 found a link between eating acrylamides and an increased risk of cancer. Although the information has been around for awhile the UK government doesn't believe people got the message. Callers Jackie has a damaged opitc nerve from a glaucoma operation. Shannon has a friend diagnosed with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). Marilyn has cancer and is losing
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/01/23

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show today discussing his recent trip to Hawaii. Stating that he is working with people there to elimenate degenerative diseases from the islands. Contending because Hawaii is a state there aren't the kind of regulatory hurdles he encountered with other island nations. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article concerning a campaingn to educate people in the UK. The government is warning people to stay away from burnt toast and roasted potatoes. When starchy foods are heated acrylamides are formed. A study in 2002 found a link between eating acrylamides and an increased risk of cancer. Although the information has been around for awhile the UK government doesn't believe people got the message. Callers Jackie has a damaged opitc nerve from a glaucoma operation. Shannon has a friend diagnosed with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). Marilyn has cancer and is losing
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/01/24

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show today discussing mineral deficiencies. Stating that minerals are no longer found in our foods. But contending they used to be in our soils as a result of rivers flooding valley basins. Once countries started building dams on major water ways flood control stopped the flooding of valley basins. Asserting this is why it is necessary for people to supplement their diets. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a Japanese study of nutritional deficiencies. The small study found that people who suffered anxiety or panic attacks were deficient in vitamin B6 and iron compared to healthy people. Doc asserts that all 90 essential nutrients are necessary for proper brain health. Callers Kevin has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure with high blood pressure. Houston is having trouble controlling his blood pressure. Ron has a friend with peripheral neuropathies, swollen eyelids
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/01/25

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing how important it is for women in child bearing age should be supplementing prior to getting pregnant. Outlining various congenital birth defects that can occur. Listing the various nutrients that are missing allowing these birth defects to happen. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article about a study of hypertension. Specifically a phenomenon called "masked hypertension" where blood pressure is normal at the doctors office but elevated during day to day activities. Also another phenomenon called "white coat" hypertension where it is elevated only at the doctors office. The study found that 12% or 17 million have "masked hypertension". Callers Bill has a cat diagnosed with stomatitis. Ella has kidney disease and is on dialysis. Mark has a friend who is exhibiting Parkinson's like symptoms. Dave has a friend who is a type 2 diabetic with arthritis
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/01/26

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show stating that it is time to make America disease free. Contending it is possible to get rid of all degenerative diseases. Asserting that the U.S. ranks 43rd in longevity while spending more on healthcare than the other 42 countries combined. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article regarding a report out from the CDC. The report states that 30% of U.S. children drink two or more sugary drinks daily. Using data from th National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey finding that 64.5% of boys and 61.3% of girls drank at least one sugary drink daily. Callers Mathew's daughter has several health challenges including RLS (restless leg syndrome), acid reflux and an adinoma on her saliva gland. Steve has coronary artery disease, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. John's 3 year old daughter was born with an eye turned inward. Everett has a prolactic tumor
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/01/27

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show today discussing degenerative diseases. Outlining several diseases and contending that they are all caused by nutritional deficiencies. Stating that a study was done involving domestic violence. Comparing to counties in Texas where one county had a lot of domestic violence in the other county it was practically nonexistent. The difference was that the county without domestic violence had a particular mineral in their drinking water. The county with a lot of domestic violence the mineral was missing from the water. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article concerning a study from the University of Washington. The study looked at the death rates from nearly 30 types of cancer in all 3100 counties in the U.S. over the past 35 years. Finding that although nationwide cancer death rates have gone down by nearly 50%. Unfortunately in some poorer counties cancer death
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/01/30

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing a report that states U.S. children rank 26th in live births and survivability. Also citing a study from India that found over 95% of babies that died from SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) were being fed formulas and not breast milk. Stating that SIDS can be traced to nutritional deficiencies. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article concerning a study from the Harvard Medical school. The study found that old adults admitted to the hospital were more likely to survive if they were treated by a female doctor. Researchers looked a 1.5 million admissions of Medicare patients finding that 11% of patients treated by women died with 30 days of admission. While 11.5% of patients treated by men died within 30 days of admission. Estimating there could be 32,000 fewer deaths if men treated patients in the same manner as women. Other research indicates
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/01/31

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing autoimmune diseases. Outlining several common degenerative disease states and asserting they are all due to nutritional deficiencies. Stating that people should be supplementing with all 90 essential nutrients in order to avoid these autoimmune diseases. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article about some of the pitfalls of a gluten free diet. The problem isn't really with the gluten free diet but rather gluten free replacement products. Many of which are loaded with sugar and carbohydrates. Recommending that people should avoid these products and keep calories down. Callers Felicia has a friend on kidney dialysis and wants to get off of it. Paulette has high blood pressure and hypothyroidism. Judy's doctor has told her she needs cataract surgery. Mary has rheumatoid arthritis and a fungus in her lungs. Call Dr. Wallach's live radio program weekdays
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/02/01

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing long lived cultures. Asserting these long lived peoples are often third world countries without access to healthcare. Contending these people also put wood ash in their gardens getting minerals in their diet through the food the consume. Also outlining some failed medical theories such as that some diseases are genetic. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article about a statement released by the American Heart Association. Contending that skipping breakfast increases people's risk of cardiovascular disease. Also asserting people should plan their meals in advance. Scientists believe that importance of eating breakfast may because the human body processes sugar better earlier in the day compared to at night. Callers Mindy has clogged arteries and high blood pressure. Phil has a three year old son diagnosed with acquired seizure disorder. Cindy is
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/02/02

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing autoimmune diseases. Assert that these are all nutritional deficiencies. Stating that degenerative diseases can be turned around by supplementation. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article concerning a doctor in trouble for practicing medicine without a license. Robert Young Phd. was treating terminally ill cancer patients with baking soda infusions. Telling the patients there disease was caused by acidic blood. In fact he charged one patient over $77,000 for this treatment. The patient later died under his care. Callers Tom has high blood pressure at times and has been diagnosed with tachy cardia. Donald has been diagnosed with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Dave has a friend with lumps under their skin. Jennifer has been diagnosed with a lesion on her liver. Call Dr. Wallach's live radio program weekdays from noon until 1pm pacific
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/02/03

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show today discussing the nutrition for children. Stating that most American children are not getting enough nutrients. Because the nutrients are no longer in the foods. Contending most should be on a gluten free diet so they can absorb nutrients. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article about a new study on toxic chemicals in fast food packaging. Researchers at the Silent Spring Institute tested 400 samples from 27 different fast food chains. Finding that nearly half of the packaging tested contained fluorinated chemicals. These chemicals can leach into the food and have been linked to increased risk of several chronic health challenges including cancer. Callers Dorothy's grandson has Crohn's disease and his doctor wants to remove part of his colon. Danielle is 13 weeks pregnant and has concerns about pulmonary emolisms as she had one in previous pregnancy. Emma
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/02/06

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit Monologue Nutritional Pharmacist Melissa Golloday fills in for Dr. Joel Wallach beginning the show discussing her background. Outlining how she saw clients coming in for one prescription then two then more and more. Stating that we can no longer get enough nutrients from our food any longer. Because of changes in farming and flood control foods no longer have the mineral content they once had. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Melissa Golloday discuss a news article about a study of ear infections in children. Because the eustachian tubes in babies and children are most horizontal fluids can drain into the more readily. Eustachian tubes in adults are angeled if not vertical along them to drain more easily. Some 80% of children will be diagnosed with an ear infection before age three. The article lists eight natural ways of dealing with ear infections for those parents who want to avoid antibiotics. Callers Arnold has been diagnosed
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/02/08

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit Monologue Nutritional Pharmacist Melissa Golloday fills in for Dr. Joel Wallach beginning the show discussing addictive foods. Asserting that fast food companies actually put compounds in foods to make them addictive. Contending people should plan ahead and eat health natural organic foods such as fruits and vegetables. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Melissa Golloday discuss a news article about the impending Alzheimer's epidemic. Experts are predicting that by mid century more than 100 million people worldwide will have Alzheimer's. Which will be three times the amount of people currently diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Callers Dale has a freind with several health challenges including RA (rheumatoid arthritis), atrial fibrillation, Graves disease and hyperthyroidism. Tom's 95 year old mother has coronary artery disease. Alice Faye has a relative who has a son diagnosed with a congenital brain defect. Dawn had a small stroke
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/02/10

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing the lack of minerals in the soils. Stating that since people stopped putting wood ash in their gardens we no longer get minerals in our food. Contending this is why everyone should be supplementing with all 90 essential nutrients. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news story concerning emergency room charges. A study from Johns Hopkins found that one in five ER patients get "surprise billing". Outlining a specific case of a woman who took her child to an ER after the child suffered a seizure. She purposely went to a hospital that was in network for her insurance plan. Later receiving a $3000 anesthesiology bill because the anesthesiologist was not in her network. Callers Anthony has a friend with digestive problems. Marissa's mother has been diagnosed with colon cancer. Brenda's daughter has had non-stop menstrual bleeding for several weeks. Dave has
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