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Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/02/08

For More Episodes And Product Info Visit Monologue Nutritional Pharmacist Melissa Golloday fills in for Dr. Joel Wallach beginning the show discussing addictive foods. Asserting that fast food companies actually put compounds in foods to make them addictive. Contending people should plan ahead and eat health natural organic foods such as fruits and vegetables. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Melissa Golloday discuss a news article about the impending Alzheimer's epidemic. Experts are predicting that by mid century more than 100 million people worldwide will have Alzheimer's. Which will be three times the amount of people currently diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Callers Dale has a freind with several health challenges including RA (rheumatoid arthritis), atrial fibrillation, Graves disease and hyperthyroidism. Tom's 95 year old mother has coronary artery disease. Alice Faye has a relative who has a son diagnosed with a congenital brain defect. Dawn had a small stroke For More Episodes And Product Info Visit


Nutritional Pharmacist Melissa Golloday fills in for Dr. Joel Wallach beginning the show discussing addictive foods. Asserting that fast food companies actually put compounds in foods to make them addictive. Contending people should plan ahead and eat health natural organic foods such as fruits and vegetables.

Pearls of Wisdom

Doug Winfrey and Melissa Golloday discuss a news article about the impending Alzheimer's epidemic. Experts are predicting that by mid century more than 100 million people worldwide will have Alzheimer's. Which will be three times the amount of people currently diagnosed with Alzheimer's.


Dale has a freind with several health challenges including RA (rheumatoid arthritis), atrial fibrillation, Graves disease and hyperthyroidism.

Tom's 95 year old mother has coronary artery disease.

Alice Faye has a relative who has a son diagnosed with a congenital brain defect.

Dawn had a small stroke and also has hypertension and asthma.

Georgia's daughter is experiencing headaches and difficulty breathing.

Call Dr. Wallach's live radio program weekdays from noon until 1pm pacific time at 831-685-1080 or toll free at 888-379-2552.
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