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Dead docs
Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/06/07
For More Episodes And Product Info Visit http://DDDLRadio.com Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing the lack of minerals in the soils. Stating that since people stopped putting wood ash in their gardens we no longer get minerals in our food. Contending this is why everyone should be supplementing with all 90 essential nutrients. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news story concerning emergency room charges. A study from Johns Hopkins found that one in five ER patients get "surprise billing". Outlining a specific case of a woman who took her child to an ER after the child suffered a seizure. She purposely went to a hospital that was in network for her insurance plan. Later receiving a $3000 anesthesiology bill because the anesthesiologist was not in her network. Callers Anthony has a friend with digestive problems. Marissa's mother has been diagnosed with colon cancer. Brenda's daughter has had non-stop menstrual bleeding for several weeks. Dave has
Dead Doctors Don't Lie Radio 2016/12/13
For More Episodes And Product Info Visit http://DDDLRadio.com Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show today discussing several drugs whose side effects is death. Also outlining several failed medical theories. Including the whole myth of cholesterol causing clogged arteries. All as a part of a campaign to sell Procter and Gambles Crisco product. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article about food companies changing their labels. Now they are calling high fructose corn syrup fructose or fructose sugar to fool consumers into thinking the product is healthy. The newly named sweetener contains 90% fructose while the old one only contained 42 to 55% fructose. Callers Fred has a friend diagnosed with progressive supernuclear palsy. David has protein in his urine. John has been diagnosed with post polio syndrome Lindsey has a rabbit that has pica and is eating cardboard. Moshtagh has type 2 diabetes and erectile dysfunction. Call Dr. Wallach's live radio program
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