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For More Episodes And Product Info Visit Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show today discussing the average life spans of professional athletes. Stating that because they are in great physical shape and get the best foods. These athletes should live at least as long as the average American. But in fact most professional athletes don't live as long as the average couch potatoe. Contending when these athletes are exercising and playing their sports they are sweating a soup of nutrients. If they are re-hydrating with something other than Youngevity's "Rebound FX" they are not replenishing these nutrients. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article concerning a study from the University of British Columbia. The study had participants that had vascular dementia from blood vessel damage. For six months one group of participants exercised by walking for an hour three times a week. The other group did not change their lifestyles. Prior to the

For More Episodes And Product Info Visit Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing medical mistakes. Citing the statistics of how many Americans are killed, injured and infected annually. Stating that if terrorists were to kill as many people as doctors do the U.S. would go to war. Contending it is necessary to supplement because the nutrients aren't in our food. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a study from Tufts University. Finding that people who ate more dietary fiber have are 30% less likely to develop knee pain from osteoarthritis. A Framingham Offspring Study of over 1200 men and women in their early 50s found a 61% lower risk of knee osteoarthritis if they consumed more fiber. Doc disagrees contending fiber contains phytates which bind to minerals and they won't be absorbed. Stating there must something else other than fiber in the diets to reduce inflammation. Callers Gloria's mom has arthritis, high blood pressure and dementia.

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