Dr Wallach

  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/05/10

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit http://DDDLRadio.com Monologue Nutritional Pharmacist Melissa Golladay fills in for Dr. Joel Wallach. Beginning the show discussing how she came to be a pharmacist. Stating that she first thought about becoming a doctor. But had issues with blood so she decided to be a pharamcist. But after seeing customers come in taking dozens of medications. Many of which be taken together she decided to shift gears and focus more on nutrition. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Melissa Golladay discuss a news article regarding a study of NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). A meta-analysis of some 446,763 patients of whom some 61,460 had a heart attack. The resutls showed that there is a heightened risk of heart attack after taking NSAIDS. The risk increased as doses got higher along with the frequency of use. In fact depending on dose and use the risk was from 20% to 50%. Callers Michael has questions about arthritis because both of his grandmothers
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/05/10

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit http://DDDLRadio.com Monologue Nutritional Pharmacist Melissa Golladay fills in for Dr. Joel Wallach. Beginning the show discussing how she came to be a pharmacist. Stating that she first thought about becoming a doctor. But had issues with blood so she decided to be a pharamcist. But after seeing customers come in taking dozens of medications. Many of which be taken together she decided to shift gears and focus more on nutrition. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Melissa Golladay discuss a news article regarding a study of NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). A meta-analysis of some 446,763 patients of whom some 61,460 had a heart attack. The resutls showed that there is a heightened risk of heart attack after taking NSAIDS. The risk increased as doses got higher along with the frequency of use. In fact depending on dose and use the risk was from 20% to 50%. Callers Michael has questions about arthritis because both of his grandmothers
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/05/11

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit http://DDDLRadio.com
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/05/12

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit http://DDDLRadio.com
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/05/15

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit http://DDDLRadio.com Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing pre-existing medical conditions. Outlining several common health challenges and contends these can be reversed. Contending most of these are due to inflammation that is caused by nutritional deficiencies. Stating that if people clean up their diets and take the 90 essential nutrients these conditions can go away. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article regarding a study of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). The study from the CDC found that American Indian/Alaska Natives and blacks had double the rate in 2013 compared to whites. Only recommending that people put their babies on their backs on non-soft surfaces. Callers Mark's father recently had an ischemic stroke. Robert experienced a concussion from a fall. Richard has been declared legally blind and is experiencing flashes. Bill's wife has been diagnosed with G.E.R.D. (gastro esophageal reflux
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/05/16

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit http://DDDLRadio.com Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show today discussing degenerative diseases. Outlining several diseases and contending that they are all caused by nutritional deficiencies. Stating that a study was done involving domestic violence. Comparing to counties in Texas where one county had a lot of domestic violence in the other county it was practically nonexistent. The difference was that the county without domestic violence had a particular mineral in their drinking water. The county with a lot of domestic violence the mineral was missing from the water. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article concerning a study from the University of Washington. The study looked at the death rates from nearly 30 types of cancer in all 3100 counties in the U.S. over the past 35 years. Finding that although nationwide cancer death rates have gone down by nearly 50%. Unfortunately in some poorer counties cancer death
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/05/17

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit http://DDDLRadio.com Nutritional Pharmacist Melissa Golladay fills in for Dr. Joel Wallach beginning the show discussing her background. Outlining the story of how she had patients getting sicker and sicker while under the care of medical doctors. Citing the stories of two people she is working with and how they started feeling better within 36 hours. After making diet and lifestyle changes. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Melissa Golladay discuss a news article about the health benefits of artichoke extract. Helping to detoxify the liver, promotes bile flow, reduces inflammation, supports a healthy vascular system, eradicates free radicals and helps reduce atherosclerosis. Callers Ryan is a former pro athlete dealing with the aftermath of a torn ACL. Matt's mother has been diagnosed with aplastic anemia. Ieda has a friend diagnosed with fibroid tumors and her doctor wants to remove her womb. Sophia has chronic sinus infections leaving her with
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/05/18

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit http://DDDLRadio.com Monologue Nutritional Pharmacist Melissa Golladay fills in for Dr. Joel Wallach. Beginning the show discussing how she saw patients under the care of doctors continued to get sicker and sicker. Realizing the method of care drugs and surgeries were the root cause. That's when she began to study the importance of nutrition for good health. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Melissa Golladay discuss a news article about essential oils. The article outlines 5 essential oils that help releive the symptoms of allergies. The oil green myrtle boosts oxygen uptake and helps expell mucus. German chamomile is a powerful antispasmoic and can help heal wounds. Eucalyptus radiata can help enhance the immune system. Frankincense can sooth the nervous systme and can help ease nasal congestion. Rosalina can loosen mucus and ease congestion. Callers Mike's father has been diagnosed with lymphoma but doesn't want the chemo his doctor is offering.
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/05/18

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit http://DDDLRadio.com Monologue Nutritional Pharmacist Melissa Golladay fills in for Dr. Joel Wallach. Beginning the show discussing the human body's ability to repair. Outlining the fact with the proper nutrients the human body can repair itself without drugs and surgeries. Stating that most chronic disease can be linked to inflammation. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Melissa Golladay discuss a news article about acid reflux. Outlining several home remedies for dealing with digestive problems. Recommending chewing ginger, basil leaves and cloves. Also recommending putting cinnamon in warm water and drinking it. Doug also states that Dr. Wallach says that salt is the raw material the body uses to make stomach acid. Adding that peppermint oil in warm water can also soothe an upset stomach. Callers Sharon has questions about macular degeneration and asks how it take to get results when taking nutrients. Rebecca has a friend who has been diagnosed
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/05/22

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit http://DDDLRadio.com Monologue Nutritional Pharmacist Melissa Golladay fills in for Dr. Joel Wallach. Beginning the show discussing how she saw patients under the care of doctors continued to get sicker and sicker. Realizing the method of care Call Dr. Wallach's live radio program weekdays from noon until 1pm pacific time at 831-685-1080 or toll free at 888-379-2552.
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/05/23

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit http://DDDLRadio.com Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show today discussing congenital birth defects. Citing several common disease states that are supposed to be genetic. Contending that all of these diseases are actually nutritional deficiencies. Because the mother was deficient in nutrients either during conception or during gestation. Many of the diseases are due to just one missing nutrient. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss an editorial written by Fox News medical editor Dr. Andrew Weill. He contends that too many people especially the elderly are the victims of polypharmacy. Also contending that too many people are also over using over-the-counter drugs as well. Dr. Weill blames direct to consumer marketing for much of the problem. Stating this type of marketing of drugs should be banned. Callers Robin has a cat that has been diagnosed with a blood disorder. Liz's father has high blood pressure and had a stroke three
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/05/24

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit http://DDDLRadio.com Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing the nation wide problem of opioid addiction. Contending the writing of prescriptions for opioids should be banned and made illegal. Asserting that there are plenty of other ways to manage pain. Stating that doctors write these prescriptions knowing patients might get hooked and keep coming back. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss new guidelines out from the American Academy of Pediatrics. The guidelines recommend that parents don't give children under the age of 1 any fruit juice at all. For children ages 1-3 recommending no more than 4 ounces daily. Ages 3-6 limited to 4-6 ounces and those 7 and older a maximum of 8 ounces daily. These new guidelines are aimed at reducing childhood weight gain and obesity. Also with concerns about children developing dental cavities. Callers Marie has a friend diagnosed with bowel cancer. Helen has a friend experiencing
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/05/25

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit http://DDDLRadio.com Monologue Pharmacist Ben Fuchs fills in for Dr. Joel Wallach today. Beginning the show discussing fibrosis. Explaining how fibrosis manifests itself in the human body. Asserting this can be avoided because it is due to a nutritional deficiency. Contending that almost all disease can be linked to chronic inflammation in the body. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Ben Fuchs discuss a news article concerning a study from Denmark. A long term study that followed over 50,000 people for over a decade. Comparing questionares regarding participants diets and lifestyles. With the national data base of health challenges faced by participants. Finding those who ate at least one ounce of chocolate at least once a week. Had a reduced risk of atrial fibrillation by nearly 20%. Callers Angel has been diagnosed with clogged arteries. Gracie has bone on bone arthritis in her knee and her doctor wants her to get replacement surgery. David has
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/05/26

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit http://DDDLRadio.com Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing the over use of antibiotics. Asserting this is leading to resistant bacteria. Contending that taking antibiotics isn't always necessary especially for viral infections. Citing several Youngevity products that have bacteria killing properties. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article concerning a study from the University of Michigan. The study found that people who had gastric stomach banding to lose weight often needed additional procedures. In fact 18.5 % of people who had gastric banding needed additional surgeries. With the secondary surgery often costs much more than the original procedure. Callers Gracie has bone on bone arthritis and her doctor wants to perform a replacement procedure. Madrew has friend diagnosed with stage four breast cancer. Chauntey has lost some her grip in her right hand. Dave has blood clots in his leg. Ellen is experiencing
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/05/30

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit http://DDDLRadio.com Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing medical mistakes. Citing the statistics of how many Americans are killed, injured and infected annually. Stating that if terrorists were to kill as many people as doctors do the U.S. would go to war. Contending it is necessary to supplement because the nutrients aren't in our food. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a study from Tufts University. Finding that people who ate more dietary fiber have are 30% less likely to develop knee pain from osteoarthritis. A Framingham Offspring Study of over 1200 men and women in their early 50s found a 61% lower risk of knee osteoarthritis if they consumed more fiber. Doc disagrees contending fiber contains phytates which bind to minerals and they won't be absorbed. Stating there must something else other than fiber in the diets to reduce inflammation. Callers Gloria's mom has arthritis, high blood pressure and dementia.
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/05/31

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit http://DDDLRadio.com Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show today discussing the average life spans of professional athletes. Stating that because they are in great physical shape and get the best foods. These athletes should live at least as long as the average American. But in fact most professional athletes don't live as long as the average couch potatoe. Contending when these athletes are exercising and playing their sports they are sweating a soup of nutrients. If they are re-hydrating with something other than Youngevity's "Rebound FX" they are not replenishing these nutrients. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article concerning a study from the University of British Columbia. The study had participants that had vascular dementia from blood vessel damage. For six months one group of participants exercised by walking for an hour three times a week. The other group did not change their lifestyles. Prior to the
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/06/01

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit http://DDDLRadio.com Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing a report that states U.S. children rank 26th in live births and survivability. Also citing a study from India that found over 95% of babies that died from SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) were being fed formulas and not breast milk. Stating that SIDS can be traced to nutritional deficiencies. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article concerning a study from the Harvard Medical school. The study found that old adults admitted to the hospital were more likely to survive if they were treated by a female doctor. Researchers looked a 1.5 million admissions of Medicare patients finding that 11% of patients treated by women died with 30 days of admission. While 11.5% of patients treated by men died within 30 days of admission. Estimating there could be 32,000 fewer deaths if men treated patients in the same manner as women. Other research indicates
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/06/02

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit http://DDDLRadio.com Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing congenital birth defects. Outlining several common birth defects stating they are all caused by nutritional deficiencies. Contending the mother was missing nutrients either during conception or gestation. Asserting that all women of childbearing age should be taking the 90 essential nutrients. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article concerning a study from Australia. Researchers analyzed 17 past studies of breast feeding. Finding that women who breast fed their babies for any length of time had a lowered risk of developing endometrial cancer. Those women breast fed for the recommended six months lowered their risk even more. Callers Jennifer's mother has several health challenges including high blood pressure, kidney failure, type 2 diabetes and fibromyalgia. Dave wish's Doc a happy birthday then gives a testimonial on how taking nutrients helped
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/06/05

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit http://DDDLRadio.com Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show today discussing pre-existing conditions. Stating that many of these conditions are due to nutritional deficiencies. That can be prevented and reversed with the proper nutritional supplementation. Contending that all of these diseases could be wiped out through lifestyle and dietary changes. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article about a diabetes epidemic happening in India. Nearly 30% of India's teenagers are obese. Over the past two decades there has be rapid economic growth. With many people adopting more Western-style food habits. Eating junk foods such as hamburgers and pizzas as well as a more sedentary lifestyles. Callers Debbie has questions about GMOs in pet foods possibly causing her cat's stomach lining to burst. Ieda her mother has degenerative disk disease causing neuropathies in her legs. Lynetta's mother has a neural disorder causing her
  • Dead Doctors Don't Lie 2017/06/06

    For More Episodes And Product Info Visit http://DDDLRadio.com Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show today discussing musculoskeletal diseases. Citing several common diseases and stating they are due to nutritional deficiencies. Asserting they all can be prevented and reversed through nutritional supplementation and lifestyle changes. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article concerning canola oil. The article states that in 1956 the FDA banned it for human consumption because of high levels of erucic acid. Then growers developed genetically modified rapeseeds with lower levels of erucic acid. Changing the name to canola oil for marketing reasons and touting it as a healthy alternative to natural saturated fats from butter, lard or coconut oil. Callers Michael's granddaughter has been diagnosed with neurofibromatosis. Zack has a friend having trouble controlling their blood sugar levels. Madrew has a friend who is a type 2 diabetic with high blood pressure.
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