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Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show today discussing his CD "It's all in your head". Citing several of the health challenges caused by osteoporosis of the skull. Contending this is due nutritional deficiencies that can be prevented and reversed with supplementation. Stating people must supplement because there are no nutrients in our food.

Pearls of Wisdom

Dr. Wallach continues his monologue


Joy has questions regarding her sciatica, constipation and tinnitus.

JoAnn has a friend diagnosed with shingles.

Jerry has a friend diagnosed with glaucoma.

Dave has two questions the first concerns a friend with dry skin. Second he has questions concerning degenerative eye disease.

Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show today discussing his CD "It's all in your head". Outlining several health challenges that are due to osteoporosis of the skull. Nerves are pinched causing all kinds of symptoms. Stating these can be prevented and reversed through nutritional supplementation.

Pearls of Wisdom

Doug Winfrey and Dr.Wallach discuss a news article regarding a study looking into dehydration. In the study volunteers performed manual labor in 95 degree weather. Some were given water while others were given sodas. Finding those drinking sodas had a jump in dehydration and had increases in uric acid and vasopressin. Concluding that drinking sodas in hot weather does not re-hydrated but induces acute kidney injury.


Janet has high blood pressure, fibroids, dry eyes and thyroid nodules.

Kathy is starting an overnight job and asks what she can take to stay focused.Maria is constipated and experiencing cramping and bloating after eating meals.

Pricilla is recovering from celiac disease and has psoriasis.

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