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Dead Doctors Don't Lie 08/08/18

Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show today citing the story of the Crisco ad campaign. In the 1920's the American Heart Association paid a doctor Ancel Keyes to promote Crisco. As part of that campaign Keyes demonized butter and lard as cooking mediums. Contending that these products clogged arteries. Just a few years ago Harvard came out with a study that stated that cholesterol is not what causes plaque in the arteries.

Pearls of Wisdom

Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article about potassium. The article cites studies that found a link between low potassium and cancer. Citing work from Dr. Max Gerson's work from the 1940's and 1950s where he linked his cancer patients with low blood levels of potassium. The article outlines the reasons why low potassium levels cause cells to mutate.


Cynthia has the beginings of cataracts and wants to avoid surgery.

Eilene is a type 2 diabetic having trouble controlling her blood sugar levels.

Carmen has friend with several health challenges including high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and clogged arteries.

Richard has been diagnosed with melanoma.

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