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Dead Doctors Don't Lie 03/22/18

Nutritional Pharmacist Melissa Golladay fills in for Dr. Joel Wallach. Beginning the show discussing her background and how she came to become a nutritional pharmacist. Watching patients take drugs and slowly get worse over time. Stating that people are eating poor diets without nutrients. This will cause them to burn through their nutrients more rapidly.

Pearls of Wisdom

Doug Winfrey and Melissa Golladay a news article about a study depression. In this small study of 67 subjects who were clinically depressed. All involved had unhealthy diets with low intakes of fruits and vegetables, little fiber and lots of sweets, processed meats and salty snacks. Half of the subjects were put on a healthier diets focusing on extra virgin olive oil, nuts, seeds, eggs, fruits, vegetables, fatty fish and grass fed beef. The other half remained on their unhealthy diets. After three months the subjects symptoms were graded on a depression scale. Those on the healthy diet saw scores improve. In fact 32% scored low enough they were no longer considered depressed. The other group saw little to no improvement.


Erma has cysts in her breasts and her doctor wants to operate.

Dale has been diagnosed with congestive heart disease.

Max has questions about a rapid heart beat when she lays down.

Maria has a friend with hypothyroidism, asthma and an anal fistula.

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