Pearls of Wisdom
Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article about a report out on surgical clinics. USA Today Network and Kaiser Health News did a joint investigation of surgery centers. Finding that out of the over 5600 there have been 260 deaths since 2013. Most notably Joan Rivers who died at one of these centers. Outlining a specific case of a 12 year old boy who died while having his tonsils removed. The surgery center blamed the death on "pre-existing conditions".
Anthony has two questions first he asks if it would be ok to add nutrients to the baby formula.
Sarge has questions about a dog with kidney disease.
Mary has questions about a friend with a baby with colic.
Peter has been diagnosed a diverticulitis type of pocket in his esophagus.
Rudolf has been diagnosed with prostate cancer.
Call Dr. Wallach's live radio program weekdays from noon until 1pm pacific time at 831-685-1080 or toll free at 888-379-1080.