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Dead Doctors Don't Lie Radio 4/06/2022

Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing his various books he has written. Stating the information in those books can help people add 20 to 50 years to their life. Citing the story of how he discovered what killed 500 lambs in one night. The lambs had been slowly been poisoned with nitrates from a neighbor's field running into the water the lambs were drinking.

Pearls of Wisdom

Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article regarding a study published in the journal PLOS Medicine. The study found a link between consuming artificial sweeteners and cancer. In the study participants who consumed the highest levels of artificial sweeteners had a greater overall risk of cancer, with the highest risks observed for breast cancer and obesity-related cancer.


Maxine has vitaligo, hair loss and psoriasis.

Randall is experiencing vertigo and dizziness his doctor telling him the lower portion of his heart isn't pumping enough blood.

Sandra has been diagnosed with Huntington's disease.

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