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Dead Doctors Don't Lie 03/13/18

Visit for more information. Monologue Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing mental illness. Asserting that most if not all of these mass shooters were taking SSRI (selective seratonin re-uptake inhibitors) drugs. Which have side effects of homicidal and suicidal thoughts. Stating that these drugs should not be prescribed to people who are mentally unstable. Pearls of Wisdom Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article about a misdiagnosis the left a woman with no legs only one arm and no fingers on the remaining arm. All because the woman contracted sepsis in the hospital and it was misdiagnosed. The woman is now suing the hospital for damages. Callers Bob has questions concerning peyronie's disease. Robin has questions regarding a friend diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. Ester has a friend with a mytrovalve leak. Mark has a cat with anemia. Maurice is obese and wants to lose weight. Peter is experiencing chronic digestive problems. Call Dr. Wallach's live Visit for more information.


Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing mental illness. Asserting that most if not all of these mass shooters were taking SSRI (selective seratonin re-uptake inhibitors) drugs. Which have side effects of homicidal and suicidal thoughts. Stating that these drugs should not be prescribed to people who are mentally unstable.

Pearls of Wisdom

Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article about a misdiagnosis the left a woman with no legs only one arm and no fingers on the remaining arm. All because the woman contracted sepsis in the hospital and it was misdiagnosed. The woman is now suing the hospital for damages.


Bob has questions concerning peyronie's disease.

Robin has questions regarding a friend diagnosed with hyperthyroidism.

Ester has a friend with a mytrovalve leak.

Mark has a cat with anemia.

Maurice is obese and wants to lose weight.

Peter is experiencing chronic digestive problems.

Call Dr. Wallach's live radio program weekdays from noon until 1pm pacific time at 831-685-1080 or toll free at 888-379-2552.
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