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Dead Doctors Don't Lie Radio 3/11/2022

Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show today discussing longevity. Comparing the average lifespan of various countries that have similar populations. Stating the longer lived peoples have different diets than the countries that don't live as long. Asserting those eating gluten but getting minerals from volcanic ash will fare better than those eating gluten without minerals.

Pearls of Wisdom

Dr. Wallach continues his monologue regarding diet being linked to longevity.


Madrew has questions regarding a friend with type 2 diabetes and stage 4 lung cancer.

Dyeah has a friend with high blood pressure and bone on bone arthritis in his knees.

Sandra has Huntington's disease and is experiencing chronic fatigue and balance problems.

Joyce with breast cancer and high blood pressure and has chronic vomiting.

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