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Dead Doctors Don't Lie Radio 2/15/2022

Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing break through infections of COVID 19. Contending that this occurring because people are gathering in large groups with no masks or distancing. Stating that people who are not vaccinated and eating gluten will be in real trouble if the contract the virus.

Pearls of Wisdom

Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article regarding the health benefits of eating red cabbage. Full of antioxidants and other nutrients such as fiber, vitamins C, K, A and B6 as well as manganese and potassium. Containing compounds that can help prevent cancer, reduces inflammation, boosts heart health, boosts gut health, promotes good liver and bone health.


Robert has a friend whose dog is having trouble walking.

Dee's grandmother is obese is a type 2 diabetic with edema in her legs and feet.

Jay has questions regarding Celiac disease.

David has a friend who is obese has tachy cardia and is jaundiced.

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